epicurious' method mastery yt playlist ; covers various techniques and methods related to cooking
Basics with Babish series ; from the channel Binging with Babish- covers a lot of basics you need to know for home cooking
Chinese Cooking Demystified ; how I learned to make a lot of yummy chinese food! They have authentic recipes and often provide substitute ingredients for those of us living outside China or in western countries :-)
Tasting History with Max Miller ; I just KNOW this guy has got to be neurodivergent. I love Max! He recreates historical recipes as accurately as he can, and while some of them definitely show their age as far as differences in palates go, some actually look really damn good. He gives some really interesting background historical info inbetween steps
Chinese Cooking Demystified ; how I learned to make a lot of yummy chinese food! They have authentic recipes and often provide substitute ingredients for those of us living outside China or in western countries :-)

Work in progress!!
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